Wednesday 14 December 2011

Kickin` it up and refusing to quit

Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.
Napoleon Hill

Ok you got me...........I love a good quote, and although Mr Hill almost definitely wasn`t talking about being able to do the human flag, the reasoning is still there.

Some days I`ll feel like I`m not getting anywhere, but by refusing to quit I`m finding that a couple of days down the track I`m stepping over the plateau. (Baby steps maybe but going in the right direction is good)

Here`s the latest photo. You can see I`m using a parallel grip as the old weights rack I`m using is more stable than the clothesline :)

Basically at this stage I`m trying to kick my legs up high with tucked knees.
As you can see, I`m getting them up there but can only hold them for half a second.

 By studying the photo I think I need to better straighten and lock my lower arm and tuck my legs better. (my next plateau possibly?)

Anyway we`ve got around 6 weeks to go...........stick with me, I`m not quitting yet!

1 comment:

  1. Wow u have progressed heaps! Keep it up, I know u'll get there! Lish
