Monday, 19 December 2011

Training Weapon 2

So it`s no secret I`m a big fan of Al Kavadlo.
 He was my initial inspiration and the blog that I go to most for information on the flag and and a huge range of other exercises and fitness related stuff in general.
He is definately up there as one of my main "training weapons".
If you`re interested in his workout training programs and in his words "never before seen training tips, photographs and personal anecdotes." I would highly recommend his book pictured below.

 We’re Working Out: A Zen Approach to Everyday Fitness

Sorry couldn`t get the link to work to go directly to the book site (hey I`m just learning!)
Check it out on his blog

..and in case you`re wondering,  no I`m not affiliated with Al and do not receive any payment if you buy his stuff, I just think it rocks and anyone even slightly interested in getting fitter and having a happier healthier life should give it a look. End of story!

Coming up soon I`ll let you in on my last "secret" training weapon....the book that has given me the exact progression steps I have been following to get me to the final goal. (babystep-by-babystep)

Until then...... hang in there!
(ouch, man that was terrible!)       :)

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Kickin` it up and refusing to quit

Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.
Napoleon Hill

Ok you got me...........I love a good quote, and although Mr Hill almost definitely wasn`t talking about being able to do the human flag, the reasoning is still there.

Some days I`ll feel like I`m not getting anywhere, but by refusing to quit I`m finding that a couple of days down the track I`m stepping over the plateau. (Baby steps maybe but going in the right direction is good)

Here`s the latest photo. You can see I`m using a parallel grip as the old weights rack I`m using is more stable than the clothesline :)

Basically at this stage I`m trying to kick my legs up high with tucked knees.
As you can see, I`m getting them up there but can only hold them for half a second.

 By studying the photo I think I need to better straighten and lock my lower arm and tuck my legs better. (my next plateau possibly?)

Anyway we`ve got around 6 weeks to go...........stick with me, I`m not quitting yet!

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Current training program and progress

Having a shadow of doubt this week so decided to check out my progress so far to prove to myself I`m getting somewhere.
So for myself and those interested in what I`m doing for training I went through pretty much all my training program this morning, so here is from the start of Nov to now.

Push ups- Start: Incline Push ups 1 x 20, Full Push up 1x12
                Now: Full Push Ups 1 x 30 as warm up
                         Narrow (hands together) push ups 1x 15
Supported 1 arm push up feet together  (1 arm out away from body full stretch on basketball) 2x6 both sides

Squats- Start: Shoulder width stance half squats legs parallel to floor 1x12, 1x12
             Now: Feet together full squats 2 x 15
                      Supported 1 leg half squats (1 leg in front on basketball) 1x3 each side -struggling with getting below parallel with 1 legged squats, something to work on!

Pull ups- Start: Horizontal pull ups/ aussie pull ups 1x 11
                       half pull ups 1 x4, 1 x3
              Now: Horizontal pull ups 1 x 15 as warm up
                        Full wide grip pull ups 1 x10
                       Full parallel grip pull ups 1x 10
                       Narrow grip supine and prone grip 1x5 each

Handstands- Start: half handstand push ups 2 x 2
                    Now: full handstand push ups 3 x 3
 (doesn`t sound like much but getting better at balance and getting up into handstand)

Abs-Start: Hanging bent knee leg raise 1 x8, 1 x6
        Now: hanging straight leg raises 2 x10, 1 x6

Grip- Start: Hanging bar hangs 1 x45 sec, 1 x 30 sec
         Now: Hanging bar hangs 1 x60 secs
                   Uneven bar hangs (1 hand on bar 1 gripping towel parallel grip) 2 x 30 secs

Bridge- Start: couldn`t even get into incline bridge with top half on bench
            Now: still struggling but can almost get a floor bridge with straight arms

So that`s my training program (this is usually broken down over 2 days by the way)  I have definately made progress which is good but is it good enough for my timeline?
Incidentally I have also dropped approx 4 % body fat and gone up a shirt size. Not bad for a month without changing my diet.

 Will head to the park this arvo and post flag progress next post.
 Thanks to everyone who has sent me support!