Monday, 2 January 2012

Getting closer....

Happy New Year!
Kept up the training over the Christmas period though I`d have to admit that the intensity has been dialled down somewhat. Having said that...I`m getting closer.
Can actually get into the full flag position now. Just need to tweek it a bit. (torso up just a bit, arms and legs straighter and get the hold for longer than a second or so!)

Have found that I`m finding it easier with a pole hold as opposed to the parallel hold shown here, will get a pole pic sometime in the near future.

Also as promised here is the link to the book I have been using to progress to this point. It contains full details on each progression point from the clutch flag to the full human flag. (as well as other awesome exercise progressions such as grip training and the like)
Convict Conditioning 2

Way Cool, check it out!


  1. Wow that's some serious progress! Congrats and thanks for the shout out about my book!

  2. Thanks guys, still some work to go but I'm happy with the progress. Work through the progressions Jim, you'll get there!
